[1] 江兴方, 高惠滨, 郭小建, 吴志贤. 物理演示实验[M]. 南京: 南京大学出版社. 2011
[2] 江兴方, 谢建生, 唐丽. 物理实验(第二版)[M]. 北京: 科学出版社. 2012
[1] 江兴方, 李峰. 大工程观下物理实验创新教学. 第二届全国高等学校实验室工作论坛论文集. 东南大学出版社. 2008, 11: 291-294 ························································································ 13
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[3] JIANG Xing-fang, et al. Making of simulation system for the force of the current-carrying circular coil in non-uniform magnetic field. IEEE. 2010,10: 1278-1281 ··········································· 15
[4] JIANG Xing-fang, et al. Research of the problem for the current-carrying circular coil in non-uniform magnetic field. Elsevier, Procedia Engineering. 2011,15: 2897-2901 ··························· 16
[5] JIANG Xing-fang, et al. Making of intelligent data processing system of the experiment in the coefficient determination of the thermal conductivity. Elsevier, Procedia Engineering. 2011,15: 2892-2896 ······································································································································· 17
[6] JIANG Xing-fang, et al. Making method of the data processing system in the experiment of the Planck constant measuring with photoelectric effect. Computer Technology & Application. 2012, 3(5): 1694-1698 ······································································································································· 18 1
[7] JIANG Xing-fang, et al. The base research in the intelligent processing system of the data for Physics Experiment. Journal of Basic and Applied Physics. 2012, 1(2): 62-65 ································· 19
[8] 李峰, 吉高峰, 王金浩, 等. Origin在不同材料导热系数测定中的应用[J]. 大学物理实验. 2012, 25(3): 88-91 ··························································································································· 20
[9] 李峰, 吉高峰, 江兴方. 基于MTB导热系数的测定智能型数据处理系统的制作[J]. 大学物理实验. 2010, 23(5): 77-79·············································································································· 21
[1] Effects of salt 9,10-anthraquinone-2-sulfonic acid on the conductivity of polypyrrole Huang Yuan ming, Zhou Fu-fang, Deng Yuan, Zhai Bao-gai黄远明 Solid State Ionics 179 2008, 179(27-32): 1305-1309 EI:20083211442105
[2] Correlation of excitation-wavelength dependent photoluminescence with the fractal microstructures of porous silicon Huang Yuan ming, , Zhai Bao-gai, Zhou Fu-fang黄远明 Applied Surface Science 2008, 254(13) 4139-4143 EI:20081511200231
[3] Wavelength tunable photoluminescence of ZnO/porous Sinanocomposites Yuan Ming Huang, Qing-lanMa, Bao-gai Zhai黄远明 Journal of Luminescence 2013, 138: 157-163 EI:20131116122905
[4] A simple method to grow one-dimensional ZnO nano structures in air Yuan Ming Huang, Qing-lanMa, Bao-gai Zhai黄远明 Materials Letters 2013, 93: 266–268 EI:20130215877105
黄远明教授第一作者其他EI号:1999474823748, 2001216516492, 2001356634559, 2001356634558, 20064610237680, 2006159807766, 20072310643024, 20090611896928, 20092412122663, 20100612699764, 20100612687558, 20105013481175, 20105013481159, 20105013480968, 20100612687630, 20105013481163, 20100812728675, 20100612699765, 20100612687519, 20100612687536, 20105013481170, 20105013481064, 20100612687603, 20100612687553, 20100812728674, 20105013481176, 20105013481202, 20105013481188, 20105013481197, 20100612687530, 20100612687545, 20100612687624, 20100612687551, 20105013481180, 20105013480930, 20114814572103, 20114814572133, 20114814572072, 20130816035563, 20130816035502, 20130816035482
[5] The bistable properties of nonlinear Bragg cavity containing negative refractive index materials Jiang Meiping, Chen Guang, Chen Xianfeng,蒋美萍教授 2006, 35(4): 535-539 Guangzi Xuebao (EI: 2006229912975)
[6] Study on degeneration of SIMOX structure by Rutherford backscattering spectrum Jiang Meiping, Li Jinhua, Lin Chenglu.蒋美萍 1996, 3: 25-30 Weixi Jiagong Jishu (EI:1997113499136)
[7] Propagation properties of a left-handed material slab waveguide Jiang Meiping, Chen Xianfeng, Ni Chongwen. 蒋美萍 2009, 36(1): 193-197 Zhongguo Jiguang (EI: 20090811917820)
[8] Analysis of bistable switching threshold in one-dimensional photonic crystals Jiang Meiping, Shen Xiaoming, Jiang Xingfang, et al. 蒋美萍 2005, 5625: 187-193 SPIEEI:, 2005229133196 SCI: IDS_BBY48
[9] Optical transmission properties of Bragg microcavity containing left handed materials Jiang Meiping, Shen,Xiaoming, Chen Xianfeng, et al. 蒋美萍 2005, 6021, II SPIE( EI: 2006129768983) SCI: IDS_BDT86
[10] Study on the OLED with mutual doped transitional layer Jiang Meiping, Zhong Zhiyou, Shi Dufang.
蒋美萍 2004, 5351: 226-229 SPIE EI:2004348318647
[11] Effects of different fabrication processes on stress of SIMOX structure Jiang Meiping, Li, Jinhua, Huang Yiping, et al. 蒋美萍 1997, 18(1): 54-57 Pan Tao Ti Hsueh Pao (EI: 1997423797484)
[12] Influence of medium layer thicknesses on bragg microcavity containing negative refractive index materials Jiang Mei-Ping, Chen Guang, Chen Xian-Feng, 蒋美萍 2007, 36(5): 912-917 Guangzi Xuebao EI: 20072710692425
[13] Enhancement effect of the phase conjugation waves of a nonlinear medium in the Bragg microcavity Jiang Mei-Ping, Chen Guang, Shen Xiao-Ming,. 蒋美萍 2005, 16(12): 1445-1449 Guangdianzi Jiguang (EI:
[14] Defect mode of Bragg microcavity containing negative refractive index materials Jiang Mei-Ping, Chen Guang, Chen Xian-Feng,. 蒋美萍 2006, 33(8): 1056-1061 Zhongguo Jiguang EI: 20064210185282
[15] Improvement of image quality based on the models of atmospheric scattering in free space Jiang Xingfang, Lu Jiali, Shen Weimin, et al. 江兴方教授 2009, 36(4): 923-927 Zhongguo Jiguang EI: 20092012085594
[16] Study of removing cloud in remote sensing images based on wavelet analysis Jiang Xingfang, Dai Lili, Shen Weimin. 江兴方 2009, 29(SUPPL): 115-118 Guangxue Xuebao EI: 20092812177181
[17] Removing thick cloud and smoke in remote sensing images based on the models of atmospheric scattering Jiang Xingfang, Lu Jiali, Shen Weimin. 江兴方 2009,29(SUPPL): 111-114 Guangxue Xuebao EI: 20092812177970
[18] Analysis of removing cloud for color remote sensing images handled by wavelet transform, multi-scale retinex, and homomorphic filter Jiang Xingfang, Li Xiang, Shen Weimin 江兴方 2008, 5(2): 853-860 Journal of Information and Computational Science, EI: 20084711727810
[19] Application of removing cloud in gray remote sensing images with wavelet analysis Jiang Xingfang, Dai Lili, Shen Weimin et al. 江兴方 2008, 28(SUPPL): 258-261 Guangxue Xuebao , EI: 20090411873109
[20] Advancement of study in Retinex theory of color image enhancement Jiang Xing-Fang, Tao Chun-Kan.
江兴方 2005, 31(SUPPL): 258-260+263 Guangxue Jishu. EI: 2005449454092
[21] Method of color image enhancement using color advanced retinex Jiang Xing-Fang, Wang Ge, Shen Wei-Min.
江兴方 2008, 19(10): 1402-1404 Guangdianzi Jiguang EI:20084611708202
[22] Research of the color remote sensing image fusing method based on retinex and edge extraction Jiang Xing-Fang, Jin Long, He Long-Hua, et al. 江兴方 2007, 36(3): 565-567 Guangzi Xuebao EI: 20072010596581
[23] Physical idea of the Retinex theory in color image enhancement and the influence of image quality in different intercepted region of image intensity Jiang Xing-Fang, Tao Chun-Kan. 江兴方 2007, 33(1): 127-129 Guangxue Jishu EI: 20071210504067
[24 ] Advanced multi scale retinex algorithm for color image enhancement Jiang Xing-Fang, Tao Chun-Kan.
江兴方 2008, 662513: 1-8 SPIE , EI: 20081411179549 SCI: IDS_BHO11
[25] New method for image fusing based on MSR and edge extraction Jiang Xing-Fang, Jin Long, Tao Chun-Kan. 江兴方 2006, 33(3): 110-113+118 Guangdian Gongcheng , EI: 2006219897811
江兴方教授第一作者其他EI号:20100212631263, 20100712709188, 20103013104126, 20103013104130, 20114014402756, 20110313596793, 20110313596585, 20112714121186, 20110913705086, 20114314454764, 20114414460984, 20114814572065, 20115214631254, 20115214631255,
[26] Effect of oblique incidence on bistability of nonlinear microcavity Chen Xian-Feng, Xu Lei, Zhang Wen-Ping, et al. 陈宪锋 2009, 5(6): 472-475 Optoelectronics Letters , EI: 20101212801683
[27] Study on resonant modes of all-dielectric dual-cavity Fabry-Perot structure Chen Xianfeng, Fang Yuntuan, Shen Xiaoming, et al 陈宪锋 2010, 30(2): 546-550 GuangXue Xuebao , EI: 20101312808431
[28] The mode characteristics of a symmetrical slab waveguide with single-negative-material cladding Chen Xian-Feng, Shen Xiao-Ming, Jiang Mei-Ping, et al. 陈宪锋 2008, 57(6): 3578-3582 Wuli Xuebao , EI: 20082811368785SCI: IDS_315JL
[29] The defect modes in one-dimensional photonic crystal with multiple defects Chen Xian-Feng, Jiang Mei-Ping, Shen Xiao-Ming, et al. 陈宪锋 2008, 57(9): 5709-5712 Wuli Xuebao EI: 20084211645287 SCI: IDS_347VZ
[30] Simple method of studying the forbidden band characteristics of 1-D photonic crystal Chen Xian-Feng, Jiang Mei-Ping, Shen Xiao-Ming, et al. 陈宪锋 2007, 18(7): 870-873 Guangdianzi Jiguang EI: 20073510790303 [31] Study on the bistability of nonlinear Bragg microcavity Chen Xian-Feng, Shen Xiao-Ming, Jiang Mei-Ping, et al. 陈宪锋 2007, 36(4): 613-616 Guangzi Xuebao EI: 20072210628361
[32] Properties of defect mode and optical enhancement for ID photonic crystals with a defect layer of negative-refractive-index materials Chen Xian-Feng, Shen Xiao-Ming, Jiang Mei-Ping, et al. 陈宪锋 2005, 16(11): 1342-1345 Guangdianzi Jiguang EI: 2006029637700
[33] Effect of the second-order magnetocrystalline anisotropic constant on the magnetization reversal in R2Fe14B magnets Chen Xian-Feng 陈宪锋 2005, 54(8): 3856-3861 Wuli Xuebao EI: 2005339305500 SCI: IDS_948SQ
[34] Guided modes in asymmetrical planar waveguide clad with different types of single-negative material Chen Xianfeng, Jiang Meiping, Shen Xiaoming, et al. 陈宪锋 2008, 28(10): 1888-1892 Guangxue Xuebao EI: 20084611708216
[35] Influence of annealing conditions on properties of vanadium oxide films prepared by modified ion beam enhnced deposition Xie Jian-Sheng, Li Jin-Hua, Yuan Ning-Yi . 谢建生 2004, 4: 36 Weixi Jiagong Jishu EI: 2005058822491
[36] Characteristic crisis in a system with distinguishable strong and weak dissipation functions Chao Xiao-Gang, Dai Jun, Wang Wen-Xiu, et al.巢小刚 2006, 55(1): 47-53 Wuli Xuebao EI: 2006099733393 SCI: IDS_997OZ
[37] Tunable figure of merit for a negative-index metamaterial with a sandwich configuration Wang Xudong, Ye Yong-Hong, Zheng Chao, et al. 王旭东 2009, 34(22): 3568-3570 Optics Letters EI: 20094912529621 SCI: IDS_521XC
[38] Dual-Band Negative-index materials with sandwich configuration Wang XD, YeYH, Zheng C 王旭东 2010,27(3): 034103 Chinese physics letters SCI: IDS_566NA
[39] Modified Kosterlitz-Thouless transition model for the temperature dependence of the resistivity of anisotropic superconductors Ji Gao-Feng, Liu Sheng-Li. 吉高峰 2007, 56(7): 4148-4151 Wuli Xuebao EI: 20073210755010
[40] Folding of lattice prorein model chains with fired ends Ji Gao-Feng, Xue Bin, Wang Wei 2004, 13(9): 1574-1581 Chinese Physics EI: 2005339297548
[41] Propagation properties of vectorial Hermite-cosine-Gaussian beams beyond the paraxial approximation Tang Bin, Jiang, Meiping. 唐斌 2009, 56(8): 955-962 Journal of Modern Optics, EI: 20093112232346 SCI: IDS_446FF
[42] Fractional Fourier transform for beams generated by Gaussian mirror resonator Tang Bin, Xu, Minghua. 唐斌 2009, 56(11): 1276-1282 Journal of Modern Optics EI: \20094712486473 SCI: IDS_473BH
[43] Hermite-cosine-gaussian beams propagating in uniaxial crystals orthogonal to the optical axis Tang Bin 唐斌 2009, 26(12): 2480-2487 Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science , EI: 20100112616350 SCI: IDS_527EX
[44] Propagation of four-petal Gaussian beams in apertured fractional Fourier transforming systems Tang Bin 唐斌 2009, 56(17): 1860-1867 Journal of Modern Optics EI: 20100412658834 SCI: IDS_527PX
[45] Diffraction properties of four-petal Gaussian beams in uniaxially anisotropic crystal Tang Bin, Jin Yi, Jiang Meiping, et al. 唐斌 2008, 6(10): 779-781 Chinese Optics Letters EI: 20084611708778 SCI: IDS_368KF
[46] Focal shift and focal switch of flat-topped Mathieu-Gaussian beams passing through an apertured lens system Tang Bin, Wen Wei. 唐斌 2009, 282(12): 2281-2285 Optics Communications, EI: 20091812068079 SCI: IDS_446OR
[47] Propagation of hermite-cosh-gaussian beams passing through ABCD optical system with an annular aperture Tang Bin, Jiang Xing-Fang, Liu Zhi-Min. 唐斌 2008, 4(1): 78-80 Optoelectronics Letters EI: 20083411464023 [48] Propagation properties of Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian beams in uniaxially anisotropic crystals Tang Bin, Tang Hui-Qin, Zhu Kai-Cheng, et al. 唐斌 2006, 17(10): 1275-1279 Guangdianzi Jiguang EI: 20065110317068 [49] Hermite-Cosh-Gaussian光束在单轴晶体中的传输 唐斌 2006, 17(10): 1275-1279 光电子.激光
[50] Transmission enhancement of slow light by a subwavelength Plasmon-dielectric system Bin Tang, Dai Lei, Jiang Chun唐斌 2010, 27: 2433-2437 Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics SCI: (IF=2.185)
[51] Electromagnetically induced transparency in hybrid plasmonic-dielectric system Bin Tang, Dai Lei, Jiang Chun唐斌 2011, 19: 628-637 Optics Express SCI: (IF=3.747)
[52] Propagation of Bessel-Guassian beams through a double-apertured fractional Fourier transform optical system Bin Tang, Jiang Chun, Zhu Haibin唐斌 2012, 29(8): 1728-1733 Journal of the Optical Societh of America A-Optics image Science and VisionSCI: (IF=1.936)
[53] Electromagnetic response of a compound plasmionic-dielectric system with coupled-grating-induced transparency Bin Tang, Dai Lei, Jiang Chun唐斌 2012, 376(14): 1234-1238 Physics Letters ASCI: (IF=1.936)
[54] Fractional Fourier transform for confluent by pergeometric beams Bin Tang, Jiang Chun, Zhu Haibin唐斌 2012, 376(14): 2627-2631 Physics Letters ASCI: (IF=1.936)
[55] Effect of domain wall on the dielectric properties of the BaTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattics Qiu JH邱建华 2010, 150 : 1052-1055 Solid State CommunicationsSCI: (IF=1.981)
[56] Phase-diagram and ferroelectric behaviors of BaTiO3 nanowires Qiu JH, Ding JN, Yuan NY, Wang XQ, Zhou Y邱建华 2011, 109: 054103 Journal of Applied PhysicsSCI: (IF=2.168)
[57] Effect of misfit strain on the electrocaloric effect of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer thin films Qiu JH, Ding JN, Yuan NY, Wang XQ邱建华 2011, 84: 25-28 The European Physical Journal BSCI: (IF=1.534)
[58] Film thickness dependence of electro-optic effect in eoitaxial BaTiO3 thin films Qiu JH, Ding JN, Yuan NY, Wang XQ, Zhou Y邱建华 2011, 151: 1344-1348 Solid State CommunicationsSCI: (IF=1.649)
[59] Orientation dependence of the electrocaloric effect in PbTiO3 /SrTiO3 multilayers Qiu JH, Ding JN, Yuan NY, Wang XQ, Zhou Y邱建华 2012, 152:856-859 Solid State Communications SCI: (IF=1.649)
[60] Effect of misfit strain on the electro-caloric effect of ploydomain epitaxial ferroelectric thin films Qiu JH, Ding JN, Yuan NY, Wang XQ, Zhou Y邱建华 2012, 21: 097701 Chinese Physics B SCI: (IF=1.376)
[61] Effect of misfit strain on the electrocaloric effect in epitaxial SrTiO3 thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2009, 71(1):15-19 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B. SCI: IDS_503NW (IF=1.466)
[62] Orientation dependence of the electrocaloric effect of ferroelectric bilayer thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2009, 149(37-38):1549-1552 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS.SCI: IDS_492SK (IF=1.837)
[63] Grain size effect on the electrocaloric effect of dense BaTiO3 nanoceramics. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2009, 105(3):034110 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. SCI: IDS_408BZ (IF=2.072)
[64] Effect of electric field on electrocaloric effect in Pb(Zrl-xTix)O-3 solid solution. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2008, 372(48): 7191-7195 PHYSICS LETTERS A. SCI: IDS_382KT (IF=2.174)
[65] Misfit strain dependence of electrocaloric effect in epitaxial Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q.
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[66] Film thickness dependence of electrocaloric effect in epitaxial Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q.
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[67] Anisotropic in-plane misfit strains dependence of phase diagrams and dielectric behavior in epitaxial Pb(Zr1-xTix)O-3 thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2007, 370(1): 82-89 PHYSICS LETTERS A. SCI: IDS_228ZG
[68] Film thickness dependence of electro-optic effects in epitaxial Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin films. Qiu JH, Jiang Q.
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[69] Effects of external mechanical loading on phase diagrams and dielectric properties in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films with anisotropic in-plane misfit strains. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2007, 101(3): 034110 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. SCI: IDS_136WR
[70] Effect of the quadratic magnetoelectric coupling and Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction on domain walls in hexagonal manganites. Qiu JH, Jiang Q. 邱建华 2006, 73(2): 024406 PHYSICAL REVIEW B. SCI: IDS_007ZF
[71] Effects of quasi- periodicity on defect modes of photonic crystals Shen Xiaoming 沈小明 2006, 2(4): 292-295 Optoelectronics Letters
[72] Transmission spectra of one-dimensional photonic crystals including negative-refractive-index media Shen Xiaoming 沈小明 2005, 1(3): 201-204 Optoelectronics Letters
[73] Sensitivity of guided mode resonance filter-based biosensor in visible and near infrared ranges. Jia KH
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[74] Fabrication errors analysis and compensation for guided mode resonance biosensor. Jia KH 贾克辉 2012,24: 291 -293 Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE SCI: (IF=2.191)
[75] Resonance Wavelength Effects on Sensitivity of Resonant Grating Waveguide Biosensor. Jia KH 贾克辉 2012,32(2):302-305 Spectroscopy and Spectral AnalysisSCI
[76] Period error elimination through groove depth in one-dimensional waveguide-grating reflection filters fabrication. Jia KH 贾克辉 2013,124:247– 249 Optik SCI
[77] Infrared and Raman spectra of ABC-stacked few-layer graphene studied by first-principles calculations Yuehua Xu 徐月华 2011, 84, 245433. Phys. Rev. B SCI (IF:3.6)
[78] Infrared and Raman spectra of AA-stacking bilayer graphene Yuehua Xu 徐月华 2010, 21, 065711, NanotechnologySCI (IF: 3.9)
[79] Highly tunable spin-dependent electron transport through carbon atomic chains connecting two zigzag graphene nanoribbons Yuehua Xu 徐月华 2012, 137, 104107, J. Chem. Phys. SCI (IF: 3.3)
[80] Theoretical Study on Structures and UV-Vis Spectra of Macrocyclic Thiophene Derivatives Huang S 黄双 2010, 31: 553–558 Chem. J. Chinese. U. SCI: (IF=0.619)
[81] Computational study of the one- and two-photon absorption properties of macrocyclic thiophene derivatives Huang S 黄双 2011, 91: 248–257 Dyes. Pigments. SCI: (IF=3.126)
[82] Fine Tuning of the One- and Two-Photon Absorption Properties of macrocyclic thiophene-based derivatives Huang S 黄双 2012, 93: 1519–1531 Dyes. Pigments. SCI: (IF=3.126)
[83] Computational study of the electronic structures, UV-Vis spectra and static second-order nonlinear optical susceptibilities of macrocyclic thiophene derivatives Huang S 黄双 2012, 18: 393–404 J. Mol. Model. SCI: (IF=1.797)
[84] A theoretical study of ring size effect on one- and two-photon absorption properties of macrocyclic thiophene derivatives Huang S 黄双 2012, 36: 947–953 New. J. Chem. SCI: (IF=2.605)
[85] A critical theoretical study on linear and nonlinear optical properties of macrocyclic thiophene derivatives with different connecting π-conjugated bridge and ring size Huang S 黄双 2012, 53: 2991–3000 Polymer SCI:
[86] Computational Design of Two-Photon Fluorescent Probes for a Zinc Ion Based on a Salen Ligand Huang S
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[1] 项少华, 江鸿, 李祥. 智能化物理实验数据处理系统荣获江苏省高校大学生第五届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2008.11 (江兴方指导)
[2] 江鸿, 周威, 熊泽. 高分辨率常州遥感地图的制作荣获江苏省高校大学生第六届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛三等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2009.11 (江兴方指导)
[3] 周威, 熊泽, 江鸿, 缪诗. 非均匀磁场中通电圆线圈运动的研究荣获江苏省高校大学生第六届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛三等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2009.11 (江兴方指导)
[4] 毕天雨, 朱奕丞, 王永磊, 孔祥敏. 一个能量自动补偿型单摆实验荣获江苏省高校大学生第七届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2010.11 (江兴方指导)
[5] 周威, 熊泽, 江鸿, 李彦杰. 非均匀磁场中通电圆线圈运动仿真系统的制作荣获江苏省高校大学生第七届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2010.11 (江兴方指导)
[6] 毕天雨, 朱田友, 周剑波, 于飞. 智能平面魔方荣获江苏省高校大学生第八届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛三等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2011.11 (江兴方指导)
[7] 李彦杰, 谭海鹏, 朱奕丞, 孔祥敏. 智能调光玻璃研制及其电光特性分析荣获江苏省高校大学生第八届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛三等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2011.11 (江兴方指导)
[8] 毕天雨, 朱奕丞, 王永磊. 自动荡秋千机器人荣获第十二届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛江苏省江苏省选拔赛三等奖. 江苏省教育厅. 2011.11 (江兴方指导)
[10] 周剑波, 徐斌. 一种便携式电子五子棋电子装置荣获江苏省高校大学生第九届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2012.11 (江兴方指导)
[11] 李星星, 王义洁, 金旦, 薛伟. 一种纳米铜膜基铜纳米结构的制备荣获江苏省高校大学生第七届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2010.11 (苏江滨指导)
[12] 栾萍, 等. Electrical properties of multilayer synthesized CuInSi thin film论文荣获江苏省高校大学生第八届“物理与实验科技作品”创新竞赛二等奖. 江苏省物理学会. 2011.11(谢建生指导)
[13] 2012年韩杰、杨云飞、伍昆昆的“129智力游戏”荣获领航杯2012年江苏省大学生数字媒体作品竞赛应用软件组二等奖。2012.12江苏省教育厅。(江兴方指导)
[14] 2012年伏海明、朱田友的“动态光栅衍生射及其实验数据处理系统”荣获领航杯2012年江苏省大学生数字媒体作品竞赛应用软件组三等奖。2012.12江苏省教育厅。(江兴方指导)
[15] 2013年张杰、沈鑫、邵斌斌、陈路的“基于电机驱动倒立摆的两轮自动寻道平衡车的设计”作品在江苏省高校大学生第十届“物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛”中荣获一等奖。2013.11江苏省物理学会。(江兴方指导的)
[16] 2013年陈路、段旭、沈鑫、邵斌斌、张杰的“智能型实物棋盘人机对弈象棋机器人”作品在江苏省高校大学生第十届“物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛”中荣获二等奖。2013.11江苏省物理学会。(江兴方指导的)
2011.02.09, 一种能量自动补偿型单摆装置, CN101968109A(授权)
2011.12.07, 一种便携式智力跳棋游戏电子装置, CN102266665A
2012.03.21, 一种便携式4×4方阵电子智力魔方装置, CN102380205A
2011.09.21, 一种振动感知装置, CN201983850U(授权)
2010.08.04, 一种纸质遥感地图阅读装置, CN201540684U(授权)
2010.08.11, 一种α粒子散射的装置, CN201540684U(授权)
2013.04.03, 一种多输出数显电源, CN103023353A
[1] 江兴方, 蒋美萍, 陈宪锋. 大工程观下物理实验创新教育获得2008年江苏工业学院教学成果二等奖. 2011.1.15
[2] 江兴方, 蒋美萍, 陈宪锋, 金铱, 巢小刚. 兴趣讨论式与探索创新型物理教学模式获得2010年常州大学教学成果二等奖. 常州大学[2011]2号. 2011.1.7
[1] 江兴方. 被评为江苏省第五届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2008.11
[2] 陈宪锋. 被评为江苏省第六届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2009.11
[3] 江兴方. 被评为江苏省第七届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2010.11
[4] 苏江滨. 被评为江苏省第七届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会.2010.11
[5] 谢建生. 被评为江苏省第八届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2011.11
[6] 江兴方. 被评为江苏省第九届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2012.11
[7] 江兴方, 等. 光学教程电子教案荣获江苏省高等学校优秀多媒体教学课件二等奖. 江苏省教育厅. 2009
[8] 江兴方, 柯善哲, 欧阳吉芳. “近代物理”多媒体电子教案荣获江苏省高校优秀多媒体教学课件二等奖. 江苏省教育厅. 2011.5.30
[9] 江兴方, 马骥, 李峰, 等. 物理实验智能化数据处理系统荣获教育部管理信息中心“第十二届全国多媒体课件大赛”高教工科组优秀奖. 2012.10.29
[10] 江兴方. 被评为江苏省第十届物理及实验科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师.江苏省物理学会. 2013.11